Well....it's been a while. a big long while...sorry I kind of suck at this. I'm just not very good at the whole journaling thing. But let's see. What has been going on lately....
ok. #1: los guido!!!! so i wrote a little while ago about our talent show..we raised $475 for los guido!!! but THEN bethany's parents decided they wanted to contribute and gave $500!!!! grand total...almost a thousand dollars. so that was absolutely fabulous! We went out and bought stuff a few days ago and now this morning we are about to go give it out! We ended up being able to make sixty packages...each with rice, beans, soap, tootbrush, toothpaste....then we also have notebooks to give out to the kids and like pencils and pens and stuff...and a buttload of donated clothes and shoes!!!!! sooooo im pretty stoked about all this. :]
oo and plus. with some of the money too...we had left over...we decided to give it to our cook dona rosario...sweetest lady EVER. and she really needed help with her rent..so we gave her money. but omg. even tho she needs it so much..she said her grandchildren need it more...bc they are twins and they have messed up legs and need special shoes..so she's giving it to them...she's so sweet. but ya. so we are going to hand out all the stuff this morning!!! I just pray that is a totally huge blessing to these people...OOO. omg. and i forgot the best part...each package also of course has a Bible too..and we wrote in each and every one! first just a little note...then key verses complete with page numbers...and then we highlighted the verses. So just pray that people will actually read these Bibles, and that it will change their lives. I just think it would be incredible if God used a simple talent show...to change sixty or more peoples lives..and next sunday the church at los guido found itself with sixty more members...wow...wouldn't that just be awesome!?! so PRAY!!!! :]
#2: KOSMOS and leaving.....
so. after our little los guido excursion this morning...we have KOSMOS meeting! and are gonna start helpin the groups comin in...I am sooo excited about Kosmos...I think it will be a fabulous week where so many peoples lives are changed...but with that excitement comes a little bit of emotions from the other side of the spectrum...first, anxiousness. this week i have to translate. :/ that just makes me a little nervous...i know i can do it. hopefully. but still...im nervous!!! and also now i've been told i will be speaking at our graduation. which is during kosmos. in front of 500 people. and im speaking in spanish. if you know me..u know i dont get in front of 500 people and speak. ever...haha. but i know God has opened me up so much this year..and made me a more confident person..so i know it will be fine and He will get me through it..but ya. another emotion...sadness.....with the thought of kosmos comes the thought that this is my last week here. that is so crazy to me...this year has flown by. and yes there have been bad times...but overall this year has been one of the greatest of my life. this country is now my second home..and these people are my family. i have new brothers and sisters that i have been with constantly for nine months...and i have new mommies and daddies who have loved me like their own children and been there for me when i was doin fine and also took care of me when i was sick. i love them all so much and now i have to leave them.....im so excited about going home but I get so incredibly sad thinking about leaving too....but i guess thats just life. things change and we just have to know that God has something else for us in the future thats prob even better and we can't let ourselves get caught up in the past...I've accomplished what God had for me here..and learned hopefully all that I needed to learn..and now its time to move on to bigger and better things..and who knows? maybe Costa Rica is in my future. I certainly hope i will see all these people again....but only God knows if i will see them again on this earth...and if not...i am looking forward to a huge family reunion in heaven. :]
well before i start crying now i'd better peace out....haha...plus i cant really think of anything else to talk about...and we have to leave soon for los guido....but ill try to be better about my journaling..ill def do some updates about kosmos. :] but for now peace out and God bless.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
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