Monday, April 27, 2009

I'm ready to give my heart away,
but it's not mine to give.
My heart is in my Savior's hands
for it's for Him I live.

I dance with Him,
my heart's first love.
He holds me in His arms.
I know His love is pure and true
and so, the dance goes on.

I stumble, yet He pulls me close,
His eyes locked on my face.
"I don't deserve your love,"I say.
"Yes. But that, my daughter, is grace."

Amazing grace. I smile and think
how you love a wretch like me.
Your love so pure and constant,
it's an amazing thing indeed.

For though your love remains so strong,
my heart is troubled still.

I long for "true love" here on earth
to be smitten and swept off my feet.
To dance beneath the moonlit sky
and give my heart away for keeps.

Why do I long for such a love,
for a man so brave and strong?
The very Maker of the universe gave up His life for me.
That is the ultimate love song.

So Lord, I ask and pray this day,
that You would keep my heart.
Hold it, satisfy it, nourish it
and keep it safe from harm.

I choose to dance with You, my Love
until the day YOU choose
to share my heart with the man of my dreams
and I'll share his heart with You.